Wettbewerb auf Distriktebene
Schüler zeigen, was sie beim Yoga gelernt haben
Traditioneller Tanz
Schüler der Felix-Convent-Schule führen einen traditionellen Tanz auf dem Schulhof auf. „Traditioneller Tanz“ weiterlesen
Elternabend in der Felix-Convent-Schule
Das aktuelle Treffen von Eltern und Lehrern in der Schule des Felix-Convents war rege besucht. „Elternabend in der Felix-Convent-Schule“ weiterlesen
Need of the Hour. (Schwesternausbildung)
Es ist uns eine große Freude, Ihnen mitzuteilen, dass drei unserer Mädchen in der Krankenpflegeschule des Mure Memorial Hospital in Nagpur aufgenommen wurden. Dieser Kurs dauert drei Jahre. Die drei Mädchen sind seit August dabei.
Hier lohnt sich zu erwähnen, dass sie nach Abschluss ihrer Pflegeausbildung sofort mit einer Beschäftigung rechnen können, weil Indien viele Krankenschwestern in der Gesundheitsversorgung benötigt.
Turning Point of Life.
We are also glad to put on record that this year eight Students of Panchsheel Ashram School, have been admitted in Nagpur at Guru Nanak Institute of Technology.
They have chosen different branches, some of them selected for Architecture, Electronics Engineer ( I T), other Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering.
This is another milestone in the history of Panchsheel.
This is happened first time.
No other schools like us take such initiatives. This is important to share here.
Great Success of Tribal student of Panchsheel Ashram School.
We are very excited and happy to share the Good News that one of our Tribal Students, named Rohit Ramsingh Thakre, stood First in the exam of Secondary School Examination of Tribal Department, he is No. 1 in Five Projects of 12 Districts, This is really a big achievement.
He has been awarded Cash Prize of Rs. 35,000/- Rohit gives this credit to teachers and the management of school, providing best opportunity for the students of tribal denomination.
All Panchsheel School students and staff are proud.
We in Germany are very proud as well. CONGRATULATONS!!!
Time has come to say Final Good Bye to dear Friends of Germany.
Danke Schone to every one who helped us in Germany.
We are grateful to all the friends, I want to put on record the kind help of Ingrid and Markus Kamer family, Prof. Claudia Ossburge, Jugen Gemen and Dr. Marion, Sandra, Martin, Konrad Kuiter family, Elizabeth her family, most loving and dear Hani Gemen, Willi, David, Simon and Claudia the lady who gave us room in her house.
Last but not the least the Architect of our journey, the man who always was kind to us and most respected Stefan.
Thanks to the friends!
Thank God, we reached safely, this posts comes to you to appreciate all the friends who helped us during our visit. „Thanks to the friends!“ weiterlesen